Category Archives: CULTURE


For Some Reason, These Awesome Famous People Are Being Awesome, Together.

I hope you’re sitting down, because your face it about to be full of so much awesome you’ll forget how to stand.
Okay, that might be an overstatement, but there is a lot of awesome going on here. This Tumblr user find pictures of all your favorite celebrities hanging out together.
SometimesRead more…

You Can Guess As Many Times As You Want. But This Guy’s Work Will Still Surprise You.

Mark Khaisman is an artist and a visionary. What sets him apart from his peers is the method he uses to create his art … and it will leave you thinking one thing – “HUH?” He creates works of art using a simple medium, acrylic paint and a light source behind his canvas. The more you look atRead more…

What This Artist Is Doing To Photos From The Past Is Brilliant. They’re Literally Fantastic.

Costica Acsinte was a Romanian digital photographer from around the millenium. His operate is now the structure for a brand-new collection from theoretical professional photographer Jane Long. The collection is called “Dancing with Costica.”.
Lengthy utilized her image modifying abilities to change the topics in Acsinte’s.Find out more …